Sushi-Haus Gorlitz

Sushi-Haus Gorlitz

Klosterplatz 9, 02826, Gorlitz, Saxony, Germany, Görlitz

Sushi • Asiatisch • Japanisch • Vegetarier

"Ich hatte mich schon gefragt, was Japaner nach Görlitz verschlagen könnte, jetzt weiß ich, dass das Restaurant von engagierten Langnasen (Europäern) betrieben wird. Damit entzieht sich das Restaurant auch der Vergleichbarkeit mit anderen japanischen Restaurants.Um es kurz zu machen. Ich finde es super, dass es endlich einen weiteren Kontrast in der gut-bürgerlich, mediterran geprägten Gastronomie Görlitz' gibt. Zudem war das Essen geschmacklich nicht zu beanstanden. Einige Punkte könnten dennoch besser gemacht werden. 1. Service - der war mehr mit der Zubereitung der Speisen beschäftigt, als Bestellungen aufzunehmen.2. Speisenzubereitung - optisch noch weit vom Original entfernt, fällt auf, dass es sehr schleppend geht. Deshalb muss wohl auch die Bedienung aushelfen. Damit wird der Platz hinter der Theke noch enger als er ohnehin schon ist. Und wenn die Bedienung schon aushilft, wäre es doch toll, wenn diese sich auch jedes mal die Hände wäscht oder Handschuhe trägt, wenn es um die Zubereitung geht.3. Speisen - meine Vorsuppe schien mit Glutamat auf Geschmack getrimmt worden sein. Ich denke, das muss nicht sein. Zumal die glutamatfreie Zubereitung seit jeher wohltuend zwischen gut gemachtem und weniger gut gemachtem asiatischen Essen stand.Ungeachtet all dieser Punkte würde ich mich freuen, wenn das Sushi Haus noch lange bestehen würde. Gern komme ich mal wieder und vielleicht sind dann ein paar der oben genannten Unzulänglichkeiten abgestellt. Das würde mich echt freuen..."



Obermarkt 18, 02826, Gorlitz, Saxony, Germany, Görlitz

Deutsch • Fastfood • Europäisch • Vegetarier

"General: The selection of restaurants and good restaurants in Görlitz's old town is huge. We chose the Nightschmied as our website was exciting. In advance we reserved four seats, which proved to be correct, because when we entered the place, all tables were occupied. The restaurant itself is an elongated hose with tables for about 40 people, a pretty wooden counter in the middle and an old open fireplace in the guest room, which was probably once the forging fire. The guest room is decorated with all kinds of forging and the Görlitzer history. Partly, it's all a bit overwhelming, less is sometimes more. Parking is located directly in front of the restaurant on the upper market. The service was friendly and immediately assigned to us our reserved place. Then immediately came the card and the question we want to drink. Can I read the drinks list first? Naj, quickly browsed and decided for Landskron Pilsner, cellar beer and a Bordeaux. The drinks were also delivered immediately, and we had time to read in the rich map. Each side also had funny sayings for food. As already mentioned, the menu is rich and contains both regional Silesian cuisine and normal German cuisine. Prices are ok and range from 8 to 15 euros. We like to come back, and the night smied could just get to the favorite restaurant. Operation: Friendly and nice operation, which quickly implemented the wishes of the guests and was also at the table immediately when you showed this. We would have liked to have read the card more in detail when ordering drinks. Also unpleasant was the fact that the main food came with the removal of the appetizer immediately then. A little more air would have been more pleasant. Unfortunately, this is a point deduction for an otherwise very good performance. The food: We chose the mustard soup and the Silesian bread soup as an appetizer. Both soups were very rich and wonderfully tempered. The mustard soup was not exactly the taste of our female clothing, it tasted to me. The bread soup was a dream. As the main dishes, we chose the hunter's pan (several sprinklers with mushrooms and roast potatoes) for 9,80€, the Zanderfilet with vegetables and salt potatoes for 10,90€ and two times the turret pan(sweet sprinkled with beans and roast potatoes) for 13,20€. The pans were served in cast iron crucibles, and the sprinkler was dreamy tender, the beans crisp and the frying potatoes fried crispy. Only at the Zanderfilet were the salt potatoes so hard that they were almost bouncing off the plate. For this, there is a half-point deduction, but it is not possible, unfortunately, to the whole point. Otherwise the food was top! As an apperetiv, of course, the torch bar had to be reached. A recommendation for all Görlitzer guests! The ambience: The restaurant itself is an elongated hose with tables for about 40 people, a pretty wooden counter in the middle and an old open fireplace in the guest room, which was probably once the forging fire. The guest room is decorated with all kinds of forging and the Görlitzer history. Partly, it's all a bit overwhelming, less is sometimes more. Parking is located directly in front of the restaurant on the upper market. Cleanliness: Restaurant and toilet were in impeccable condition."

Restaurant Athos

Restaurant Athos

Klosterstraße 2, 2826, Görlitz, Germany

Tee • Suppe • Grill • Fleisch

"My old friend had recommended this restaurant to me, he himself was unplanned this evening “in family”. At the entrance I was greeted by an employee who stayed near the vault. On my question of a table for me alone he left me the free choice in the only sparsely occupied guest room. I was looking for a table on the window and I took a seat. Next, another employee who was probably responsible for the service at the tables came and handed me the menu. This can also be viewed on the website of the restaurant: [here link] The program does not offer surprises, it is somewhat wider in places than other Greek restaurants. So there was no surprise at my choice: The “Ouzo cellar” should be with Gyros, Suflaki, Suzuki, Zaziki and garlic potatoes (13,80 €). The waiter thanked and disappeared in the direction of Tresen, but immediately came back and brought an ouzo, which probably belonged to the dishes. A little later he came again and brought a portion of salad as well as an appetizer plate with a halved cherry tomato, four pieces of inserted sheep cheese, a Klecks avocado cream and two fried potato sticks. The sheep's cheese was tastefully good, the avocado cream very good, but the potato sticks rather boring, of which I only ate one. The salad consisted essentially of leaves of iceberg salad, crowned by a Klecks finish dressing, on it some carrot strips. I hadn't eaten the salad when the waiter came back and brought the plate with the main dish. On a plate decorated with plenty of paprika powder, I found a bunch of fried potato slices, along with a bunch of gyros on which the meat spear and the chop steak were draped, on the side there was still a stick Zaziki in a leaf Lollo Rosso. The meat from the spear was excellent, very delicate and well seasoned. The chop steak was quite loose from the consistency, here I lacked a little spice, especially the garlic note came rather weak. The Gyros, on the other hand, was again very good, neat pieces of meat with reasonable grill crust and good seasoning. Also the potatoes were good, here the announced garlic seasoning came through. I was a little disappointed by the Zaziki, which was recognisable from quark and not from yogurt, just lacking cremation. Overall, however, this is already jammering at a fairly high level, the food was overall good and tasty and I am well fed. The service was friendly and attentive, the one waiter had the entire restaurant well under control. Regarding the cleanliness of the guest room, I did not notice anything, dishes, glasses and cutlery were perfectly clean, I did not visit the toilet."



Untermarkt 11-12 | 02826 Görlitz, 02826, Gorlitz, Saxony, Germany

Pizza • Nudeln • Getränke • Vegetarier

"Die Speisekarte ist gestalterisch ein laminiertes A3 Abenteuer mit eigener Situationskomik. Beim Service hat man pro Tisch direkt die Möglichkeit mit bis zu 4 zugeteilten KellnerINNEN in Beziehung treten zu können/müssen. Die Speisen versprechen in der Anrichtung und Zubereitung nicht, was die lange Wartezeit (vorsorglich in dicken Lettern auf der Speisekarte angedeutet) vermuten lässt. Diese (Warte)Zeit der Selbstbesinnung des Gastes scheint mit Geschwindigkeit im Anrichten wieder wett gemacht zu werden. Der grelle chique der Ausstattung des Restaurants, übertüncht von grellender, scheppernd anheimelnder Italopopp Folklore vor Scheinkulisse und Athmosphäre verschaukelnder Foto Collagen an den Wänden, wird auf den Toiletten bemüht versucht aufzufangen. Auch hier begegnet der Gast Gestaltungs- und Ausstattungselementen, die im besten Falle nur unbeholfene Stil- und keine Blüten in der Scham motiviert. In diesem Falle hätten sich die Besitzer doch besser des DIN Handbuches europäischer Hygiene Standards in Restaurationen bemüßigen sollen. Mit der Ausschilderung der Toiletten beweisen sich die Inhaber überambitioniert in Integrations- in diesem Falle aber nur -versuchen und hätten an dieser Stelle doch lieber den Duden denn die Autokorrektur bemühen sollen. Und so belässt man es doch lieber bei einer NOTdurft und möchte sich schnell auch dieser Eindrücke entledigen, wenn die Macher des Hauses auch dabei wieder nicht so übereifrig wären und den Gast auch dabei im Trüben lassen, ob die würzige Frische des Toilettentraktes absichtlich oder gewollt durch die charmant offen stehenede eisener Feuerschutztür in die Speiseräume entlassen werden will und den Gast umweht. An dieser Stelle fragt man sich, was will eigtl. verdeckt werden? Hygienestandards oder die gar nicht erst vorhandene olfaktorische Athmosphäre, von der man träumt, wenn man sich auf einen Abend bei einem authentischen Italiener freuen mag. Und so bleibt beim Verlassen des Etablissements nur der lila grelle Schein der betriebseigenen Fassadenbeleuchtung, wobei man sich abermals vor authentischer Kulisse fragt: "Was will das?" und "Was war das?"."