Potsdam, conocida por sus palacios y parques, ofrece delicias regionales como "Königsberger Klopse" y "Spargel" (espárragos), reflejando su rica esencia cultural e histórica.
Gäste • Suppe • Barren • Europäisch
"Ich habe telefonisch ca. 10 Stunden vor Besuch reserviert. Das war unkompliziert! Besuch: Pfingstsonntag, 9 Uhr für 4 Personen Bekommen haben wir einen ruhigen Tisch im gemütlich eingerichteten ALEX. Unsere Bedienung war sehr nett. (Den Punkt Abzug gibt es, weil Müllbehälter für die Tischabfälle fehlen und die Bedienungen nicht immer ein Auge auf die Gäste haben - meinen Espresso nach dem Essen bestellen und zahlen konnten wir erst, nach geduldigen Warten...)Zum Brunch zu ca. 9 Euro pro Person gibt es ein Glas Orangensaft. Kaffee und Tee etc. muss extra gezahlt werden. Das Frühstücksbuffet bestand aus warmen und kalten Komponenten. Es gab Brötchen/Brot/ Brezel, Kuchen/ Kuchenteilchen, frisches Obst (Melone, Banane, Apfel, Birne, Orange), verschiedene Wurst- und Käseaufschnitte (mild, herzhaft und scharf), verschiedene Frischkäsezubereitungen, verschiedene Salate (mit und ohne Fleisch), Grillgemüse, Antipast, Rührei in verschiedenen Varianten, das klassische Frühstücksei, Müsli, Naturjoghurt, verschiedene Quarkzubereitungen usw.. - lecker und reichhaltig!Das Lokal ist zum Frühstück gut gefüllt, eine Reservierung daher sinnvoll. Gebührenpflichtige Parkplätze sind in der Umgebung vorhanden. Wir kommen gernewieder!"
Pizza • Pasta • Salate • Die Suppe
"if they have birthday, they can go to dinner, thoughtful. on friendly note of my (given daughter we went to this piazzaria . 6 eater and 5 different dishes, so they can make a judgment, especially since the suggestion had a gast background. we were greeted nicely, space was so attraktiw. we're not getting tired of the cards, a3, so halfway away, something else. the drinks were quickly selected and ordered. when they came two of the food choices, were not ready yet, except the desire of the birthday child and the child was nothing clear. Now, we took this hurdle and then came first for the bambinies. Moreover, the most important eating before our eyes on the table finished, long teig threads, in a Parmesan sauce in half Parmesan cheese turned into the keseflocken, flambiet and covered with black truffle slices. I was allowed to taste, totally delicious! our pizzas were also great, the worked and the ones with the huge flowing. I had a very simple but also one of my favourite dishes, long threads, sharp red little fruits, garlic and olive oil, they already know. the salamipizza for the little one was made from big teig, which was only pulled together on one corner for the comminution, it looked like the pizza had a handle. what were the first? I remember the last, even if it is a bit higher, the taste has justified it."
Sushi • Fastfood • Asiatisch • Europäisch
"This is right on the main tourist walking road.It is unpretentious but seems to have a reputation as its gets crowded at lunch time.We got in just before the rush and found a table and no body hurried you out later./Small place but with a big hearted family running it you get fresh hot food clean toilets medium prices and vegetarian friendly too.Liked the place a lot"
Bier • Pasta • Pizza • Vegetarier
"Staying in Berlin, but we were on a day trip to Potsdam area.. Saw this Italian restaurant beside the river and decided to try for a table.. Sunny Saturday lunchtime.. Tables outside mostly all taken and when we walked in the door it looked busy...but.. The guy.. Looked like the manager.. Found us a window table for We ordered two pizzas and lasagne.. You can actually see the young guys preparing the pizzas from scratch.. I have visited Italy many times and these were pretty authentic to be honest. And huge! My wife had the lasagna and said it was perfetto.. Great food.. Very good price given the location.. (I expected it to be more expensive).. The restaurant is really clean.. Lovely decor and nice ambience.. Happy to recommend.."
Cafés • Kaffee • Europäisch • Vegetarier
"Que lastima ir sin tiempo!!!Ensaladas riquísimas, sin lugar a dudas... pero lo mejor es el postre de chocolate. Recomiendo el surtido de postres en base a chocolate negro. Delicioso!!! Mención aparte merece la camarera, rubia y de talla media, a la que apremié insistentemente a que apure y nos sirva los platos. Su paciencia con nosotros merece un premio!!"
Sushi • Suppe • Japanisch • Chinesisch
"You are free to choose from a wide selection of sushi and Thai food that is housed in this small restaurant. The serving was personally too small for the price paid although it was indeed tasty. Sushi was also not bad but the highlights are the Thai food. Just make sure to order with a responsible mind as the bill could blow you off your chair."
Pasta • Mexikaner • Mittelmeer • Europäisch
"As a dedicated vegan who travels worldwide, I'm always on the lookout for non-vegan restaurants that can accommodate me as well as non-vegans dining with me, although I appreciate it's not always easy or even possible (so I always carry my own food). That's why I was delighted and grateful to discover CASA TOSCANA in Pottsdam, Germany! (Note: This city has two restaurants with this name. I'm reviewing the one at Charlottenstrasse 83.)This elegant but cosy corner restaurant graciously prepared and served me (and my non-vegan husband) one of THE best pizzas I've ever had--no cheese, loads of lovely vegetables, and delicious crust and sauce--at our corner window table with white linen tablecloth and romantic candle. Both the maitre d'/waiter and chef had thoughtfull and thoroughly discussed my request with me--and delivered far more than I could have imagined. My husband also loved it.It was a quiet Sunday afternoon (midway between usual lunch and dinner times)--but individuals, couples, and families (many of whom were locals known to the staff) nevertheless appeared. The bar also offered a wide variety of interesting options.I highly recommend this charming restaurant with outstanding staff and top-quality food."
Tee • Deutsch • Nachtisch • Vegetarier
"Hallelujah! At Easter we were in Potsdam looking for a small, fine restaurant and found the quendel. Something from the shot, but thanks to Google Maps you can also find here. It is small: only about 8 tables and also a small, but your card with absolute specialties: catfish, quail and lamb. It was all super tasty the portions really big and lovingly dressed. Even with the drinks we had an effect: very delicious grape juice. So an absolute recommendation to go here!"
Cafés • Kebab • Pizza • Asiatisch
"I was really happy to hear that potsdam has a place for vegan pizza with vegan cheese and meat! I was impressed by her BBQ pizza and planned to come back. very friendly."
Pizza • Fastfood • Italienisch • Amerikanisch
"Very tasty and cheap. My dinner cost me less than 10 euros (Fallafel Burger, Landkartoffeln and Cola). The staff here are all very friendly, which is rare today... What I find especially good in Word of Pizza is always good offer for vegans"
Bier • Deutsch • Europäisch • Mittagessen
"a Sunday we fell hungry in the potsdamer meierei brewery with beautiful weather. we had luck that there was still a table free, outside on the terrace with sea view. we took the table assigned to us with number 7. we learned that our table was ordered for 18:00. in two hours we will be satisfied and satisfied. to keep the destination only on the kitchen and the service. ; so we sit and note that the cards were fixed, firmly glued to the table. the offer is very small due to koronar, they read themselves damn delicious. my wife was a driver and was allowed to approve a large cola. for me there was a big red meiereibier, delicious. the meierei burger with 180 gramm black angus beef on the teller by frau falkds was a round cache, with black beer sauce, pommes and grilled tomate and lauch (napp 14 euro . I am professbreifan and here was an ovine “Berliner Kunst” with sour wort and senpürree for schschsch. I didn't really push the card. in other restaurants I still have kartoffels, here he was saturation supplement, ingenious, and so he tasted me too. the sour spice prepared with speck was the next small high point. but the best comes to the conclusion, the owarie, it tasted me. it was cooked, it tastes good. at least I was so much that the meat fell from my bone without special effort. during the order some dark clouds came up. when our eating was on the table, it was quite clear and quickly dark. hardly were our disturbed views of the sky directed at the tasty filled teller, it suddenly made flat on the table, a about 3 cm wet circular pudding had taken place. immediately the staff reacts while we stood and confiscated our eating, I only heard: “Tish 7 (that was on the back directly on the table 12.” our table stood on the window, we could see the rain clearly while our eating has wounded us. before we were ready to eat, everything was to end, so we could have gone out again, even at our old table, but we ate inside until the end, yet a movement had not to be. I paid with card and two more bottles of light on the tresen. the two bottles have not really survived the remaining weekend, so beside the dish that costs 3 euro and must be returned because we can only return it there. the most expensive food on the map cost about 17 euro, half landed with red cabbage and kartoffel cash, but I had my train. we recommend the restaurant. in the back area was still a bit, with the usual self-service offer, but we did not visit."
Cafés • Kebab • Fastfood • Mexikaner
"on the burger although not desired. normal cola delivered instead of the ordered cola zero. pommes not salted and silly. supplier murky and never thanks at drinking money. everything in everything unfortunately unprofessional!"
Küche • Asiatisch
"Für diese Mylia-Preise und diesen unverkennbar interessanten Mylia Fusion-Geschmack ist dies nicht das viert-beste, sondern das beste Restaurant in Potsdam. Jetzt im Frühling kann man draußen sitzen, durch eine durchsichtige Wand vom Verkehr der Breiten Straße abgeschirmt. Innen ist die Ausstattung modernisiert worden, gradlinig, geschmackvoll, eher wie ein elegantes japanisches Restaurant und völlig anders als die oft krass überladenen chinesischen Restaurants. Wochentags gibt 's mindestens drei verschiedene leckere Mahlzeiten um 12 Euro, das sog. Business Lunches und ein ausgiebiges Menu, das sogar einen Fusion -Hamburger anbietet. Die interessanteren Getränke, wie z.B. Mango Passion, sind nicht gerade billig, aber einmalig im Geschmack. Abends ist das Restaurant manchmal sehr besucht, eine Reservierung wird empfohlen. Seit einiger Zeit kann der Gast auch per Kredit-Karte bezahlen."
Essen • Salat • Pizzeria • Mittagessen
"we could enjoy a great dinner (3 courses) and were delighted by the quality. the salt mixture perfectly. the wild was good hanging, cremé broulé with fruits simply delicious. the recommended wein excellent. the rustic decor corresponded to our taste. the view of the sakroof lake from the window or later from the large terrace is impressive. we're coming back."
Käse • Asiatisch • Vietnamesisch • Lieferdienste
"Nearly everything on the menu can be ordered in a vegan way. The staff was very friendly and the homemade ice tea was very good. The food was ok, I was expecting a little more of the vegan „meat“. Texture was nice, but the spices used were a little to „christmasy“. It‘s not the cheapest place but it’s ok."
Tee • Pasta • Pizza • Nudeln
"Trattoria ZilleDes mets italiens réconfortantsJean A. VachonOttawa - Quand on voyage, on souhaite parfois trouver de la nourriture qui nous est familière. Le restaurant italien, le Trattoria Zille à Potsdam est justement un de ces endroits ou des mets italiens réconfortants y sont servis.Mon épouse et moi y sommes allés dîner.Le temps frais nous a fait préférer une table à l’intérieur plutôt que la terrasse extérieure.L’intérieur clair avec des couleurs vives, orange pâle, bar avec devanture en briques rouges, plafond blanc avec éclairage indirect et plancher en grandes céramiques orange foncé et beige et un décor italien à la fois discret et agréable, créent dès l’arrivée, un climat de calme détente.Peu après nous avoir assigné une table, le serveur nous a apportés en entrée, des bruschettas, gracieuseté de la maison.Dans cet atmosphère propice, nous avons alors commandé un Grand Passionne rouge 2013, un spaghettini carbonara et des crevettes géantes apprêtées dans une sauce au vin blanc avec une variété de légumes. On apporta aussi du pain maison ainsi que de l’huile d’olive et du vinaigre balsamique.Cette nourriture italienne délicieuse, simple et pleine d’amour, dégustée lentement tout en jasant fit notre bonheur gustatif. Au Trattoria Zille, nous avons connu rien de moins qu’un plaisir gastronomique inestimable !Comforting Italian FoodWhen we travel, my wife and I, sometimes we deviate from local food and prefer comforting food or flavours with which we are familiar. The Italian restaurant Trattoria Zille in Potsdam is a place that prepares comforting and succulent food.We went for diner.Cool weather made us choose an inside table to the terrass.The inside decoration is bright and inviting. The walls are painted in light orange colors with Italian paintings and photos. The lighting is mainly indirect fluorescent. The floors are of bright orange and beige ceramic. The bar is a mixture of red brick and wood. The chairs are comfortably upholstered. Finally, the tables are covered with two linen cloths one beige colors and the other squared brownish.Shortly after assigning us a table, our server brought bruschettas as a welcome appetizer.We then ordered a bottle of red wine, a Grand Passionne 2013, an order of spaghettini carboanra and jumbo shrimps cooked in white wine sauce and various vegetables.Simple and delicious, this food tasted slowly while talking about our trip, satisfied us entirely.At the Trattoria Zille, we lived an unforgettable gastronomic pleasure !"
Wein • Deutsch • Getränke • Vegetarier
"every bit as exquisite as they have so far been led to believe. an incomprehensible location on a side street, the real joy, the cooking room is tenderly advertised with the michelin star in front of the house door. we visited with a large group for dinner and were warmly welcomed with drinks in the beautiful courtyard. for our main meal we moved into a privatized area of the restaurant where we were treated with a carefully prepared series of curses, each more delicious than the last. the calves and earth berry caramel dessert were highlights. the 2015 brandus schneider cuvée tohuwabohu was a real pleasure and an excellent guide to the meal. in short, it is worth your time and money for a visit!"
"Today we went to Levis again after a long time, a good decision. The food, spaghetti carbonara (finally a nice portion size again), ox cheeks (the sauce, yuuummi) with delicious mashed potatoes with celery and duck with kale (a rare treat, tender as butter and the kale, a poem)... But the most important thing: the service. Being served like that was like coming home, just so nice and very special. was <ser"
Burger • Fastfood • Mexikaner • Vegetarier
"Honestly some of the best burgers i’ve ever had, super juicy and tasty with a reasonable price, definitely more of a takeout place but there’s some tables and the service is friendly. 10/10 would definitely recommend a Friedrich Double. Fries could be better but they’re still tasty, even if there’s progressively less parmesan in them."
Pizza • Fastfood • Mexikaner • Italienisch
"iedermal die Möglichkeit einen ganzen Tag in diesem herrlichen Ambiente zu verbringen. Ausklingen liess ich den Abend abschließend bei der sehr charmanten und sehr engagierten Lara von World of Pizza am Tresen bei leckeren Chicken Nuggets mit Avioli und einem köstlichen Alkohol freien Hopfenblütentee ; Zwischendurch genoss ich noch nach dem Teeaufguss Laras selbstgemachten Pfefferminzeistee mit frischen Kräutern aus ihrem Garten. Ein Gedicht! Wir Stammkunden der ersten Stunde hoffen alle, dass trotz der Gaskrise unsere Erholungsoase auch über den Winter offen bleibt! Also liebes Sauna und World of Pizza Team Weiter so! Liebes Management Please let open the gates of sauna and World of Pizza in the winter : Liebe Grüße von Thomas Inhaber Grenzgänger Erlebnispädagogik Berlin Brandenburg (Translated by Google For ages I had the opportunity to spend a whole day in this wonderful ambience. I ended the evening with the very charming and very committed Lara from World of Pizza at the counter with delicious chicken nuggets with avioli and a delicious non-alcoholic hop blossom tea ; In between, after the tea infusion, I enjoyed Lara 's homemade peppermint tea with fresh herbs from her garden. A poem! All of us regular customers from the very beginning all hope that despite the gas crisis, our oasis of relaxation will remain open over the winter! So dear sauna and World of Pizza team Keep it up! Dear Management Please let open the gates of sauna and World of Pizza in the winter : Greetings from Thomas owner Border crossers experiential education Berlin Brandenburg"