Potsdam Potsdam

Potsdam, conocida por sus palacios y parques, ofrece delicias regionales como "Königsberger Klopse" y "Spargel" (espárragos), reflejando su rica esencia cultural e histórica.

Gasthausbrauerei Meierei Im Neuen Garten

Gasthausbrauerei Meierei Im Neuen Garten

Im Neuen Garten 10, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

Bier • Deutsch • Europäisch • Mittagessen

"a Sunday we fell hungry in the potsdamer meierei brewery with beautiful weather. we had luck that there was still a table free, outside on the terrace with sea view. we took the table assigned to us with number 7. we learned that our table was ordered for 18:00. in two hours we will be satisfied and satisfied. to keep the destination only on the kitchen and the service. ; so we sit and note that the cards were fixed, firmly glued to the table. the offer is very small due to koronar, they read themselves damn delicious. my wife was a driver and was allowed to approve a large cola. for me there was a big red meiereibier, delicious. the meierei burger with 180 gramm black angus beef on the teller by frau falkds was a round cache, with black beer sauce, pommes and grilled tomate and lauch (napp 14 euro . I am professbreifan and here was an ovine “Berliner Kunst” with sour wort and senpürree for schschsch. I didn't really push the card. in other restaurants I still have kartoffels, here he was saturation supplement, ingenious, and so he tasted me too. the sour spice prepared with speck was the next small high point. but the best comes to the conclusion, the owarie, it tasted me. it was cooked, it tastes good. at least I was so much that the meat fell from my bone without special effort. during the order some dark clouds came up. when our eating was on the table, it was quite clear and quickly dark. hardly were our disturbed views of the sky directed at the tasty filled teller, it suddenly made flat on the table, a about 3 cm wet circular pudding had taken place. immediately the staff reacts while we stood and confiscated our eating, I only heard: “Tish 7 (that was on the back directly on the table 12.” our table stood on the window, we could see the rain clearly while our eating has wounded us. before we were ready to eat, everything was to end, so we could have gone out again, even at our old table, but we ate inside until the end, yet a movement had not to be. I paid with card and two more bottles of light on the tresen. the two bottles have not really survived the remaining weekend, so beside the dish that costs 3 euro and must be returned because we can only return it there. the most expensive food on the map cost about 17 euro, half landed with red cabbage and kartoffel cash, but I had my train. we recommend the restaurant. in the back area was still a bit, with the usual self-service offer, but we did not visit."

Trattoria Zille

Trattoria Zille

Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 19, 14482 Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany

Tee • Pasta • Pizza • Nudeln

"Trattoria ZilleDes mets italiens réconfortantsJean A. VachonOttawa - Quand on voyage, on souhaite parfois trouver de la nourriture qui nous est familière. Le restaurant italien, le Trattoria Zille à Potsdam est justement un de ces endroits ou des mets italiens réconfortants y sont servis.Mon épouse et moi y sommes allés dîner.Le temps frais nous a fait préférer une table à l’intérieur plutôt que la terrasse extérieure.L’intérieur clair avec des couleurs vives, orange pâle, bar avec devanture en briques rouges, plafond blanc avec éclairage indirect et plancher en grandes céramiques orange foncé et beige et un décor italien à la fois discret et agréable, créent dès l’arrivée, un climat de calme détente.Peu après nous avoir assigné une table, le serveur nous a apportés en entrée, des bruschettas, gracieuseté de la maison.Dans cet atmosphère propice, nous avons alors commandé un Grand Passionne rouge 2013, un spaghettini carbonara et des crevettes géantes apprêtées dans une sauce au vin blanc avec une variété de légumes. On apporta aussi du pain maison ainsi que de l’huile d’olive et du vinaigre balsamique.Cette nourriture italienne délicieuse, simple et pleine d’amour, dégustée lentement tout en jasant fit notre bonheur gustatif. Au Trattoria Zille, nous avons connu rien de moins qu’un plaisir gastronomique inestimable !Comforting Italian FoodWhen we travel, my wife and I, sometimes we deviate from local food and prefer comforting food or flavours with which we are familiar. The Italian restaurant Trattoria Zille in Potsdam is a place that prepares comforting and succulent food.We went for diner.Cool weather made us choose an inside table to the terrass.The inside decoration is bright and inviting. The walls are painted in light orange colors with Italian paintings and photos. The lighting is mainly indirect fluorescent. The floors are of bright orange and beige ceramic. The bar is a mixture of red brick and wood. The chairs are comfortably upholstered. Finally, the tables are covered with two linen cloths one beige colors and the other squared brownish.Shortly after assigning us a table, our server brought bruschettas as a welcome appetizer.We then ordered a bottle of red wine, a Grand Passionne 2013, an order of spaghettini carboanra and jumbo shrimps cooked in white wine sauce and various vegetables.Simple and delicious, this food tasted slowly while talking about our trip, satisfied us entirely.At the Trattoria Zille, we lived an unforgettable gastronomic pleasure !"

World Of Pizza

World Of Pizza

Brauhausberg 1, 14473, Potsdam, Germany

Pizza • Fastfood • Mexikaner • Italienisch

"iedermal die Möglichkeit einen ganzen Tag in diesem herrlichen Ambiente zu verbringen. Ausklingen liess ich den Abend abschließend bei der sehr charmanten und sehr engagierten Lara von World of Pizza am Tresen bei leckeren Chicken Nuggets mit Avioli und einem köstlichen Alkohol freien Hopfenblütentee ; Zwischendurch genoss ich noch nach dem Teeaufguss Laras selbstgemachten Pfefferminzeistee mit frischen Kräutern aus ihrem Garten. Ein Gedicht! Wir Stammkunden der ersten Stunde hoffen alle, dass trotz der Gaskrise unsere Erholungsoase auch über den Winter offen bleibt! Also liebes Sauna und World of Pizza Team Weiter so! Liebes Management Please let open the gates of sauna and World of Pizza in the winter : Liebe Grüße von Thomas Inhaber Grenzgänger Erlebnispädagogik Berlin Brandenburg (Translated by Google For ages I had the opportunity to spend a whole day in this wonderful ambience. I ended the evening with the very charming and very committed Lara from World of Pizza at the counter with delicious chicken nuggets with avioli and a delicious non-alcoholic hop blossom tea ; In between, after the tea infusion, I enjoyed Lara 's homemade peppermint tea with fresh herbs from her garden. A poem! All of us regular customers from the very beginning all hope that despite the gas crisis, our oasis of relaxation will remain open over the winter! So dear sauna and World of Pizza team Keep it up! Dear Management Please let open the gates of sauna and World of Pizza in the winter : Greetings from Thomas owner Border crossers experiential education Berlin Brandenburg"