Catalán • Mariscos • Mediterráneo • Autor / Creativo
"Una fantàstica vetllada en un local petit però acollidor, em gaudit d'un molt bon menjar i una immillorable atenció per part del servei. Uns entrants amb torrades amb pa amb tomàquet i anxoves del cantàbric. Un vi de Rioja Contino del 2018. Un fantàstic primer plat i que dir de la vedella Angus De postres nen fet un de cada tenen sis postres diferents amb una copeta de Pedro Ximénez. Immillorable"
Helado • Español • Catalán • Chocolate
"second visit after long absenteeism. absolutely loved it the first time and wanted to regain a deep appreciation for this simple and elegant Catalan gemstone in the second during these difficult times, but unfortunately we were really set back by the frigid service of the moment when the door was unlocked for us to finally chase us out of the restaurant after little over 2h as the only diner tonight. there are too many better and more gracious games for this simple arch type of clean eating and refined service that we love deep from pure here in barcelona to cal xim in penedes. if ca l’isidre no longer appreciate the art of the service, then good ingredients alone cannot overshado such decain for customers who would only be accepted in paris"