"“phoenix from the ashes!” it is unbelievable – unimaginable, but true! the mouth-propaganda “under the men in the advanced age on site” led me to a locality that once came in all munde for good atmosphere, including good kitchen for general and business visits its excellent names in the environment: the cameé! we forget the episode service of a home. “Irvetta” both were in the position, the last to a quality impression of the cameès should not be an equivalent statement and so with a lot of engagement and design technical gift the new pächterin, named: rebecca fontes da sá safe with the support of the family team a new, gastronomic small and full-time restaurant meze bar restaurant: ammos I have an essential restaurant there: Greek that begins with the edible know-how of the Greek cuisine already at the first swallow of the welcome-ouzo: brand: ammos, or if they are the glass retsina from a very attractive, bubble bottle exquisite, Greek quality of high art, and all that they drink in succession ends with the pleasant outer: “Aaah, tasty!” I will not let myself in the made rich and can only recommend to every ugly gourmet the fine kitchen and the guests on the claim of the pleasant environment and disappears the imitation that will be worth it! a very beautiful, beautiful and beautiful for the fast small hunger day offers are offered in the chalkboard on the wall, only everything and for every great hospitality! I felt very comfortable and also, as once “ among the mouth propagandists mentioned at the beginning, the old men in the advanced “, is to their little instincts at feeling good theke! also “... from the ashes!” awakened! a beautiful place to “Scot Summer!” ... with recommended service and surprising flair! you just have to go there, or you missed something! a gas in front of you! hwr"