"Used to be my local before covid, took a nice wee walk down along the river to have lunch, its in such a nice location....... Only to be disappointed to have to literally step over the homeless junkies sat on the steps of the...main entrance discussing how one got arrested and is now on bail, asked the staff about it apparently the council rent rooms out constantly for homeless people, im no snob i actually knew who one of these junkies was as we both from same estate originally . Nice to know where my extortionate council goes every month, i will never be back. I understand business is business but for me thats a sell out livi inn, shocking. There was a guy trying to get into the pub at same time with his daughter and couldnt obviously intimidated by these two. He simply turned round and walked away. Very sad times. And very smarmy attitude shown by member of staff when questioned about it..... We dont judge'...... Course not mate youve obviously never had your house robbed by a junkie whos never worked a day in his life and feeds his habit stealing from good honest folk only to be out up in a hotel, eatimg pub food paid for by honest hard working people. I will never be back"